Evaluation of the green pea (Pisum sativum L.) collection for presence of carriers of r and rb mutations


Objective. To evaluate the green pea (Pisum sativum L.) collection in order to identify carriers of r and rb mutations in it. Methods. Pea accessions were grown in the field, and seeds were produced under controlled pollination. The starch granule shape was determined in micrographs taken with a computer digital microscopic camera DMC-300 through a Biolam-15 microscope (object lens × 40). The starch content was determined polarimetrically by the Evers method and the amylase content colorimetrically — by the BO Juliano method. The data were statistically processed using analysis of variance. Results. The effect of r and rb mutations on the starch content and fractional composition in pea seeds was confirmed. In smooth-seed accessions the average starch content was 39,9 %, and the amylose content in starch was 45,9 %, while in r mutation carriers these contents were 31 ,2 % and 67,6 %, respectively, and in rb mutation carriers — 26,9 % and 28,2 %, respectively. An accession with marrowfat seeds, roundish starch granules and a low content of amylose in starch was identified. It was established that this accession was a carrier of a recessive mutation that is not allelic to r mutation and coincides with rb mutation by the effect type. Conclusions. A new genetic source of starchmodifying monogenic rb mutation of pea was identified. It was involved hybridization with sources of r mutation to expand the genetic basis of pea cultivar breeding.Keywords: peas, Pisum sativum, genetic diversity, r, rb, seed phenotype, starch grain shape, starch content, amylose content.

Authors and Affiliations

A. A. Vasylenko, S. M. Tymchuk, V. V. Pozdnyakov, O. Yu. Derebizova, I. M. Bezuglyi


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  • EP ID EP613270
  • DOI 10.7124/visnyk.utgis.15.1.706
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How To Cite

A. A. Vasylenko, S. M. Tymchuk, V. V. Pozdnyakov, O. Yu. Derebizova, I. M. Bezuglyi (2017). Evaluation of the green pea (Pisum sativum L.) collection for presence of carriers of r and rb mutations. Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 15(1), 14-19. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-613270