Evaluation of the humoral and cellular immune responses after implantation of a PTFE vascular prosthesis

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 0


Introduction: The experiment was designed in order to determine the immunological processes that occur during the healing in synthetic vascular grafts, especially to establish the differences in the location of the complement system proteins between the proximal and distal anastomosis and the differences in the arrangement of inflammatory cells in those anastomoses. The understanding of those processes will provide a true basis for determining risk factors for complications after arterial repair procedures. Material/Methods: The experiment was carried out on 16 dogs that underwent implantation of unilateral aorto-femoral bypass with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE). After 6 months all animals were euthanized to dissect the vascular grafts. Immunohistochemical assays and electron microscopic examinations were performed. Results: Immunohistochemical findings in the structure of neointima between anastomoses of vascular prostheses demonstrated significant differences between humoral and cellular responses. The area of proximal anastomosis revealed the presence of fibroblasts, but no macrophages were detected. The histological structure of the proximal anastomosis indicates that inflammatory processes were ended during the prosthesis healing. The immunological response obtained in the distal anastomosis corresponded to the chronic inflammatory reaction with the presence of macrophages, myofibroblasts and deposits of complement C3. Discussion: The identification of differences in the presence of macrophages and myofibroblasts and the presence of the C3 component between the anastomoses is the original achievement of the present study. In the available literature, no such significant differences have been shown so far in the humoral and cellular immune response caused by the presence of an artificial vessel in the arterial system.

Authors and Affiliations

Jan Skóra, Artur Pupka, Andrzej Dorobisz, Piotr Barć, Krzysztof Korta, Tomasz Dawiskiba


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How To Cite

Jan Skóra, Artur Pupka, Andrzej Dorobisz, Piotr Barć, Krzysztof Korta, Tomasz Dawiskiba (2012). Evaluation of the humoral and cellular immune responses after implantation of a PTFE vascular prosthesis. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 66(0), 469-474. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-66731