Evaluation of the influence of bacterial lipopolysaccharides on the resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana to phytopathogenic bacteria


Aim. To study the effect of lipopolysaccharides derived from various strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana to phytopathogenic bacteria. Methods. Conventional methods of plant pathology were used. Results. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from saprophytic P. aeruginosa strain ІMV 8614 increased resistance of wild type plants Col-0 wt and npr1 mutant plants to phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas syringae ІMV 8511 and P. aeruginosa ІMV 9096. LPS of phytopathogenic P. aeruginosa ІMV 9096 increased resistance of wild-type plants to phytopathogenic bacteria P. syringae ІMV 8511. In contrast, the plants Col-0 wt pretreated with the same LPS and inoculated of P. aeruginosa ІMV 9096 showed the increased disease symptoms. Pretreatment of npr1 mutant plants by LPS 9096 caused increased lesions after treatment by both bacterial strains. Pretreatment of plants by LPS from opportunistic pathogen P. aeruginosa ІMV 9024 resulted in different effects depending on the plant genotype: in Col-0 wt plants the protective effect was observed, whereas in npr1, jin or NahG mutant plants an increase in sensitivity to infection by bacteria Pantoea sp. was observed. Conclusions. The influence of lipopolysaccharides on A. thaliana resistance to phytopathogenic bacteria depends on the bacteria from which they were isolated. The effect of LPS as one of the elicitors depends on the function of both salicylate- and jasmonate-dependent signal systems as well as the regulatory protein NPR1.Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, lipopolysaccharide, system resistance.

Authors and Affiliations

J. V. Shilina, M. I. Guscha, O. S. Molozhava, A. P. Dmitriev


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J. V. Shilina, M. I. Guscha, O. S. Molozhava, A. P. Dmitriev (2015). Evaluation of the influence of bacterial lipopolysaccharides on the resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana to phytopathogenic bacteria. Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 13(1), 100-104. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-613863