Evaluation of the influence of teacher’s qualification on implementation of guidance services in Baringo Central SubCounty Secondary Schools
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 11
This study evaluated the influence of teacher’s qualification on implementation of guidance and counselling services in Baringo Central sub-County Secondary Schools. The Specific research objective of this study to find out the effect of Professional Guidance and Counselling Teacher’s Qualification influence on the implementation of guidance and counseling services in Baringo Central Sub-County Secondary School. The study used the survey descriptive research design and a sample of 36 secondary schools, 36 principals and 72 teacher-counselors out of a total of 367 teachers. The study used questionnaires as a means of data collection and the results were analyzed using SPSS version 22. The study found that most schools lacked appropriate facilities needed for effective implementation of guidance and counseling. Teachers had been fully trained on the interpersonal skills necessary to undertake guidance and counselling within secondary schools. Majority of the Guidance and Counseling Teachers had a work load that hinders them from effectively discharging Guidance and Counseling services to the students effectively. Also, although most school’s Management embraced and recognized the role of Guidance and Counselling in the school, little time and resources was availed to sustain the service. These affected the implementation of guidance and counselling in the schools. In 2001, It was recommend that the Ministry of Education and the Teachers’ Service Commission should come up with clear policy guidelines on appointment, responsibilities, training of counsellors, workload and remuneration of school counsellors. To cub high teaching loads, the region appoint specific teachers, specifically for guidance and counselling at each school. There is need to have professionally trained school counsellors for effective delivery of guidance and counselling services. Guidance should be conceptualized in a broader and more comprehensive and holistic view, incorporating vocational and other aspects of development. Further studies are also recommended on factors that influence students’ attitude towards seeking counselling services.
Authors and Affiliations
Gladys J. Cheruiyot, Dr. Enock Obuba
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