Evaluation of the Post Stroke Checklist PSC A Qualitative Study


Background Stroke is a disease that occurs due to hypoxic damage, ischemia, infarction, or hemorrhage and is a major disease that causes diverse squeal such as movement disorders. The World Health Organization WHO estimated that 15 million people worldwide and 130 100000 individuals in India experience a stroke every year. Of these, a third are left permanently disabled, impacting the clients quality of life as well as placing burdens on family, health systems and the wider community.Objective The purpose of study is to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of the PSC with modified referral prompts in clinical practice and assess its relevance to stroke survivors in Odisha. Methods A total of 50 subjects fulfilling criteria were taken from the Department of Occupational Therapy D.O.T , SVNIRTAR for the study. A total 10 Occupational Therapists from Department of Occupational Therapy, SVNIRTAR participated in administrating the PSC. Prior to completing Post Stroke Checklist with the subjects, training to the therapist clinicians demonstrating how PSC would be administered. Mini Mental State Examination was done to determine whether concepts and items were understood by the patients in the same way as the Therapists Clinicians intend to say. Post Stroke Checklist was then administered in a Qualitative face to face interview in all the subjects on one to one basis. Finally, subjects were provided with a satisfaction questionnaire to rate their level of satisfaction for Post Stroke Checklist.Results Patient Satisfaction with the PSC assessment was high, with an average rating of 8.26 10. Patient rating of satisfaction that the PSC identified their needs was also high. Clinician satisfaction with PSC varied greatly between the patients they assessed however satisfaction was generally high. The average rating was found to be 8.8 10 with maximizing the clinician ease to identify the patient needs and making referrals.Conclusion Thus, the finding suggest that PSC is a viable and useful measure for identifying long term stroke care needs in a clinical practice setting. Current study shows that the PSC is able to identify a wide range of unmet needs with life after stroke. Deeksha Tomar | Mr. Rama Kumar Sahu "Evaluation of the Post Stroke Checklist (PSC): A Qualitative Study" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd38236.pdf Paper URL : https://www.ijtsrd.com/medicine/other/38236/evaluation-of-the-post-stroke-checklist-psc-a-qualitative-study/deeksha-tomar

Authors and Affiliations

Deeksha Tomar | Mr. Rama Kumar Sahu


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Deeksha Tomar (2020). Evaluation of the Post Stroke Checklist PSC A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5(1), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-692375