Evaluation of timber and fuel wood consumption and its impact on vegetation cover in northern parts of Pakistan.

Journal Title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) - Year 2016, Vol 9, Issue 2


The present study aims to investigate the deforestation and effects of floods on various plants in Northern parts of Pakistan. Data was collected from the local people. The data shows that due to drastic and rapid cutting of trees is the major cause of deforestation. The data were recorded in the form of questioner after that, the recorded data were analyzed by SPSS (Statistical programmed for social sciences) software. The trees are ruthlessly cut for burning, timber and furniture purposes. The highest ratio of cutting trees is for burning purposes. Cedrus deodara, Querqus dialata, Betulla utillus, Juglans regia, Picea smithiana, Pinus willichaina. Land sliding and floods are the second highest reason of deforestation. The deforestation also affects the growth of other plant species as its ground flora. The shade and moisture loving plants (Sciophytes) disappear due to deforestation while the halophytes dominate the cleared area. Due to anthropogenic activity and rapid cutting of valuable species of the area affect the climatic condition of the site.

Authors and Affiliations

Murad Ali, Hazrat Sher, Siraj Ahmad, Eizat Wadan, Murad Ali


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Murad Ali, Hazrat Sher, Siraj Ahmad, Eizat Wadan, Murad Ali (2016). Evaluation of timber and fuel wood consumption and its impact on vegetation cover in northern parts of Pakistan.. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), 9(2), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-38918