Evaluation of voivodeships in scope of entrepreneurship development with the use of selected methods
Journal Title: Optimum. Economic Studies - Year 2018, Vol 94, Issue 4
The transformation of the Polish economy, which is still in progress, draws attention to the existing differences between the voivodeships in the scope of entrepreneurship development. Despite the comparable initial situation in 1989, after almost 30 years of transformation, it is possible to indicate general development trends across the country, but over time disproportions in the level of development in individual voivodeships have become apparent. For this reason, the article attempts to assess voivodships in terms of entrepreneurship development using the taxonomic analysis, the TOPSIS method and the principal components analysis. The adopted concept of the article made it possible to verify the hypothesis put in the paper, according to which there is a clear division in Poland into voivodeships with a higher and lower level of entrepreneurship development. The analysis conducted in the article allowed to identify the leaders of entrepreneurship on a regional level and also showed that there are clear disproportions in the level of entrepreneurship development in the eastern and western part of the country.
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Izabela Misiewicz, Ewa Magrel
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