Evaluation ofRouting Protocols inWirelessAd-HocNetworks under SecurityAttacks

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 10


Wirelessnetworkshavecertainly beenarevolutionintoday’stechnologyasoneofthe mostvitalandactivefieldsinthe communicationindustries.These wireless ad-hoc networksconsists ofindependentnodes withdecentralizedadministrationandphysical infrastructures,also withadynamictopologyinwhichnodescaneasily leaveorjoin thenetworkatall timeandalsomovefreely. In ot her not to co mpro mise theconfidentiality,availability andintegrity ofnetworkservices, thesafety ofpacketsdatacanonly beachievedbyguaranteeing thattheproblem ofsecurityhas mettherequisitestandard.Theperformanceanalysesofrouting protocols for Ad-Hoc wirelessnetworks,DSDV,DSRandAODVwereinvestigatedusing network parameterssuchasaveragesthroughput,packetdeliveryratioandEnd-to-end delayusingvariousscenariosof mobile nodeandsizeofthe network.Awkscriptwasusedtoanalyzethe trace file and producethe averagethroughput, packetdeliveryratioand end-to-enddelay astheresult ofthesimulation. Thesimulationwasrunby implementingcodesinDSDV,DSRandAODVCCclassfilestoaccommodatethe behavioral patternofattacks.In the results analysis of routing protocols under the security attacks, itwasobservedthattheDSDVsignificantly haslowerperformanceas aresultoffrequentlinkchangesandconnection failureswhichledtoheavy overloadandcongestionproblems.Furthermore, whencomparingthetwo reactiveroutingprotocols, AODVperforms better thanDSR

Authors and Affiliations

IR Saidu,POdion, DT Chinyio


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  • EP ID EP315867
  • DOI 10.15520/ijcrr/2017/8/10/342
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How To Cite

IR Saidu, POdion, DT Chinyio (2017). Evaluation ofRouting Protocols inWirelessAd-HocNetworks under SecurityAttacks. International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, 8(10), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-315867