Еволюція поглядів на методи дослідження коливань ділової активності [Evolution of views on the investigation methods of oscillations business activity]

Journal Title: European Journal of Management Issues - Year 2013, Vol 21, Issue 2


The article examines the evolution of the economists’ views on the methods of detection and studying of business activity fluctuations in a market economy. The basic methodological approaches to the analysis of the business cycle – mathematical-deductive, statistic-historical and econometric – were defined. The current research of fluctuations in business activity – such as residual method, econometric methods of direct measuring, harmonic analysis and square polynomials methods – were analyzed. There was studied the method of cycle detection by the numerical series of unverified data

Authors and Affiliations

I. V. Hrabynska


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  • EP ID EP296493
  • DOI 10.15421/191301
  • Views 200
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How To Cite

I. V. Hrabynska (2013). Еволюція поглядів на методи дослідження коливань ділової активності [Evolution of views on the investigation methods of oscillations business activity]. European Journal of Management Issues, 21(2), 3-9. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-296493