Evolution of economic regulation of agricultural land use under the influence of urbanization processes in Ukraine
Journal Title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" - Year 2023, Vol 40, Issue 4
As of today, it can be stated that significant anthropogenic load and urbanization contribute to the fact that the specific weight of agricultural land in Ukraine decreases every year. A significant amount of agricultural land is taken for housing, especially around large cities. It is also worth adding those lands that are removed for non-agricultural needs, in particular for road construction. Thus, the above-mentioned factors influence the decline of Ukraine's agricultural potential. In order to improve the economic regulation of the urbanization of agricultural lands in Ukraine, the evolution of the legislation of the Ukrainian SSR and Ukraine regarding losses of agricultural and forestry production was analyzed . The analysis of legislative acts regarding losses of agricultural and forestry production shows that for quite a long time, effective mechanisms and methods of their compensation have not been proposed, as a result of which the concept of "losses of agricultural production" was removed from the Land Code of Ukraine in 2022. The author suggested returning the concept of "agricultural production losses" to the legislation and approving a new procedure for compensation of losses, taking into account the current realities of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
B. Barantsov
Аналіз та картографічне моделювання структури земельного фонду Горохівського району Волинської області
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