Evolution of views on endodontically treated teeth in orthodontic patients
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2006, Vol 2, Issue 2
Evolution of views on endodontically treated teeth inorthodontic patients. Rumors among practitioners andauthor’s views on the canal treated teeth in orthodonticpractice are often contradictory and confusing.AIM: to follow an evolution in opinions on the basis ofstudy results published after the year 1942.MATERIAL AND METHODS: a systematic reviewof literature, using pairs of key-words was performed bymeans of Elsevier and PubMed-Medline. Altogether 315articles were obtained, and after selection only 18 paperscorresponding strictly to the objective of the study wereincluded in the material. Twelve articles were used for metaanalysisof the intensity of root resorption and ankylosis in RESULTS: opinions on possible relationships betweenendodontic treatment and root resorption have changedwith time. In early papers authors thought that after canaltreatment teeth are more susceptible to root resorption.Starting from 1980s the same intensity of root resorptionin ednodontically treated and untreated teeth in orthodonticpatients was reported. Recent studies revealed that endodontictreatment prevents root resorption in teethsubjected to orthodontic forces. Range of orthodontic movementsof teeth after canal treatment and with vital pulp wassimilar, and ankylosis was reported occasionally.CONCLUSION: Endodontically treated teeth can beorthodontically moved, and a risk of root resorption is lowerthan in vital teeth. (Orthod. Forum 2006; 2:33-38)
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Komorowska, Dorota Marzec, Izabella Dunin-Wilczyńska
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