Existential and personalistic connotations of ideas of feminism in Lesya Ukrainka works
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 9
The article concerns the idea that the path into the new egalitarian society is long and complicated. However, the impact of the feminist movement, the effectiveness of its tasks and the search for means and conditions of releasing women from the existing forms of oppression, formation of female consciousness regarding domestic experience are certainly the most effective factors, which must be considered. In particular, the analysis of feminist ideas of Lesya Ukrainka indicate that an in-depth rethinking of the subject of the feminist movement in the unity of the broad socio-cultural and individual-personal approach, as a movement, the tendency and effects of which demonstrate previously unknown, creative personal abilities of woman personality in new living conditions. In fact, the concepts and norms which were neutralized by masculine culture are actualized, they derive «from the shadow» the modern significance of «female values », «female dignity and ideals», «female culture», «female existence» etc. The latter is portrayed as «self-sacrificing attitude», which in the majority of destinies is manifested by attempts of women to constantly return perhaps in a new way, primarily the lost personal integrity, but eventually, as local experience shows, as the female dignity. Historical development actualizes some previously hidden features of patriarchy, sanctified by traditions of gender relations. Feminist ideas espoused by Lesya Ukrainka show that the validity of the art of femininity – in terms of its implementation throughout the vertical individuality from the hearth, when she appears as the guardian of the family and to its individual socially and culturally significant displays
Authors and Affiliations
Mykola Maksuta, Yaryna Mala
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