Existential Methodology of Faith and Knowledge Correlation sensu K.Jaspers

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 9


The article reveals the problem of methodological basis for the philosophical framework of the German scientist. The author draws attention to the actuality of this problem, the latter being studied in the context of the technological challenges of the information society of our time. O.Dolgaia defines faith and knowledge as the ontological dominants for the philosophy of the scientist. The correlation of the concepts reveals the existential meaning of the approach by Karl Jaspers. Reconstruction of the methodological concept of the philosopher is based on the correlation of faith and knowledge. Therefore, the methodology sensu K.Jaspers is divided into two groups according to the principle of knowledge and communication differentiation, with faith providing the uniting function. The first group includes the methods: analytical, dialectical, phenomenological ones. The second: structural-functional, existential, formalizing, cultural and historical ones. Both groups are to be combined through hermeneutic method. O.Dolgaya drew attention to the prospects of the methodology sensu K.Jaspers, in order to ensure an authentic reconstruction of the heritage of the scientist, as well as for understanding the methodological concepts correlation, as well as the process of self-organization and self-representation of a subject's cognitive activity.

Authors and Affiliations

О. Dolgaia


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How To Cite

О. Dolgaia (2016). Existential Methodology of Faith and Knowledge Correlation sensu K.Jaspers. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(9), 111-123. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-661565