Existentially-transcendental deployment of human spirit, as the inevitable condition of personal existence: meta-anthropological analysis
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 9
The core issue to which philosophical tradition searches for an answer is as follows: what is the essential difference of a human being from all the other living creatures. The foremost authorities of this philosophical school name the movement of human spirit as the one of abovementioned factors that, by transcending its own bounds, cognizes the outside world and starts to change it by transforming to the world of culture. This process is driven by the dialectics of such phenomena as fear and faith, through the prism of which the phenomenon of human spirit movement will be analyzed in this article. The existential and meta-anthropological methods are applied in this work. The phenomenon of the existentially-transcendental movement of human spirit that distinguishes a human being from all the other forms of life is scrutinized in this article. It is only a human who not only is capable of adapting certain elements of the outside world to one’s own needs (the capability that we can observe in the behavior of some higher primates), but also has the ability to create something that has never been in the natural world before, which means not only to transform the forms of certain elements of the natural world, but to create the essentially new artefacts of the cultural world. The phenomena that forces human being to act are fear and faith, to name but a few. Thepurposeful movement of human spirit under the dialectics of the abovementioned phenomena, that are also constituted as the existentials, is substantiated in this article. As a rule, fear forces person to act, whereas faithsets the direction. Therefore, it must be stated that the movement of human spirit emerges as the result of the synthesis of such phenomena as fear and faith. Moreover, taking into consideration that this movement occurs in the context of the extreme emotional tension directed towards a go beyond one’s own limits, i.e. the creation of something entirely original, we can also name this phenomenon as the existentiallytranscendental movement of human spirit or, in other words, of one’s own self. The very feature that distinguishes human being from the other forms of life in this dialectical unity is the phenomenon of faith, and therefore, for the better comprehension of conditions under which existentially-transcendental movement arises, its difference from the phenomenon of hope would be demonstrated in this paper. This movement would be subsequently studied in the ordinary, threshold, and meta-threshold dimensions of being by applying meta-anthropological method. The results of the movement of human spirit caused by the action of the various modes of the phenomena of fear and faith in the ordinary human being are the phenomenon of superstition, trust, confidence; in the threshold being – the predetermination, limitation, solitude and the discomfort of residing in it; in meta-threshold being – the phenomena of freedom, love, and co-creation. The phenomenon of freedom arises as a result of human choice not only between action and inaction, but between being and non-being. Whatliesonthebasis of this choice is not instincts or the interests of the humankind, but one’s own will. It is the phenomenon of freedom that is explicated as the second result of the dialectic synthesis of fear and faith existentials. In this case fear and faith would both form and contain the phenomenon of freedom within certain limits, preventing freedom from turning into the phenomenon of will with its Anarchic permissiveness. Consequently, it is demonstrated that the existentially-transcendental movement of man’s spirit not only is the crucial condition that distinguishes human beings from other living creatures but is the pivotal factor that transforms individual into personality, capable of producing cultural artefacts and, most importantly, able to create artworks which convey the individual imprint of the personality traits of its creator. Thus, the existentially-transcendental movement of self appears to be not only the necessity but the sufficient condition of the transformation of a natural man into cultural and creative man, which is to say, into a personality. Key words: Fear, anxiety, horror, faith, trust, superstition, fidelity, hope, reliability, existentially-transcendental deployment of spirit, contemplation, freedom, unrestraint, ordinary being, threshold being, meta-threshold being.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksandr Kolomiets
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