Expenditure Rules Related to Government Budget (under the Public Finance Act 2009)

Journal Title: Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 1


The article is devoted to expenditure rules related to government budget, specified in Public Finance Act. The object of analysis is the legal construction and functioning of expenditure rules. The article tries to respond on a question of effectiveness of these restrictions of conduct of budgetary policy. The analysis covers the rules in articles 112a–112d and 86 of Public Finance Act.

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Cilak


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  • EP ID EP193447
  • DOI 10.12775/PBPS.2013.003
  • Views 56
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How To Cite

Małgorzata Cilak (2013). Expenditure Rules Related to Government Budget (under the Public Finance Act 2009). Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu, 1(1), 39-56. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-193447