Experience of Introduction of National Principles Governing the Activity of the State Statistics Bodies of Ukraine
Journal Title: Статистика України - Year 2017, Vol 76, Issue 1
The paper analyzes the role of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics in the development of the Ukrainian statistical system and its adaptation to international standards. The adoption and implementation of the Fundamental Principles, their subsequent development in the European Statistics Code of Practice (2005) and explanation in the National Principles Governing the Activity of the State Statistics Bodies of Ukraine (2010) served as a clear benchmark for setting priorities in the state statistical activity. It should be noted that not all of the principles could be equally easy implemented in the existing statistical practice. Even today two decades after the adoption of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, there is still a number of debating points in their practical implementation. Special attention is given to the compilation of the National Principles Governing the Activity of the State Statistics Bodies of Ukraine that are based on the European Statistics Code of Practice and incorporate PARIS21 system of indicators. The principles have been developed and implemented with the goal to create the basis for further strengthening of the institutional capacity of national statistical office, to implement the best practices of the European statistics, and on this basis to enhance user confidence in the official statistics and ensure high-quality statistical information.
Authors and Affiliations
O. H. Osaulenko
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Experience of Introduction of National Principles Governing the Activity of the State Statistics Bodies of Ukraine
The paper analyzes the role of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics in the development of the Ukrainian statistical system and its adaptation to international standards. The adoption and implementation of t...