Experiential Investigation on the Stabilization of Dispersive Soil with Lime


The soils that are highly susceptible to erosion and containing high percentage of exchangeable sodium ions are called Dispersive Soils. In appearance, dispersive clays are like normal clays that are stable and somewhat resistant to erosion, but in reality they can be highly erosive and subject to severe damage or failure. Using dispersive clay soils in hydraulic structures, embankment dams, or other structures such as roadway, embankments can cause serious engineering problems if these soils are not stabilized and used appropriately. This problem is worldwide, and structural failures attributed to dispersive soils have occurred in many countries. This paper presents the stabilization of dispersive soil with lime. The soil sample is taken from Mandalay. Grain size distribution, Atterberg's limit test, compaction test, unconfined compressive strength UCS test and triaxial test are carried out to obtain the properties of soil. Type of studied soil classified by unified classification system is lean clay with sand. Crumb test is performed to know the dispersion degree of study soil. According to crumb test, the study soil is highly dispersive clay soil. Lime is used as stabilizing agent. The amount of lime used is 2 , 3 and 4 by dry weight of soil. The studied soil is mixed various contents of lime, and then crumb test is performed. At dispersive soil mixed with 4 of lime, there is no dispersion characteristic in soil. For stabilization of studied soil, 4 of lime is selected to investigate the improvement of strength in treated soil. The treated soil is performed compaction test, unconfined compression strength UCS test and triaxial test. Unconfined compression strength of treated soil at 4 lime is increased as 1.12 times that of natural soil. The shear strength of treated soil increases about 2 times than that of natural soil. The cohesion value of treated soil increases about 1.12 times and the angle of internal friction increases about 1.23 times than that of natural soil. Finally, it is concluded from this study that the lime treated soil is more resistant to erosion and the treated soil is more resistant to shear stress and lateral pressure. Soe Soe War | Nyein Nyein Thant "Experiential Investigation on the Stabilization of Dispersive Soil with Lime" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd26658.pdfPaper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/civil-engineering/26658/experiential-investigation-on-the-stabilization-of-dispersive-soil-with-lime/soe-soe-war

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  • EP ID EP629117
  • DOI 10.31142/ijtsrd26658
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How To Cite

(2019). Experiential Investigation on the Stabilization of Dispersive Soil with Lime. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3(5), 1376-1380. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-629117