Experimental Investigation of Drill Tool on GFRP Composites


Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic are blended mixtures of two or more constituents whose properties differ substantially. Fibre reinforced polyester (FRP), commonly used to construct aircraft bodies or ships, is widely used in making a wide range of products like rocket launchers, VHS trains, automobiles, windmill blades and sports equipment. The need in industry is to be able to drill through these layers in one operation without need for any rework.

Authors and Affiliations

Harshal M. Patil


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How To Cite

Harshal M. Patil (2014). Experimental Investigation of Drill Tool on GFRP Composites. International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(10), 1595-1603. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-221148