Expert monetary valuation of land plots within the city of Kyiv according to the market approach
Journal Title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" - Year 2023, Vol 38, Issue 2
In connection with the rapid development of the land market in Ukraine, the justification of approaches and methods of monetary valuation of land plots is of great importance. The article presents the results of an expert assessment of a separate plot of land in the city of Kyiv using the market method, which is used under the condition of a developed and active land market, when information on the sale of land plots is reliable and available. Determining the value of the assessed land plots is carried out by comparing them with the price of similar land plots by factors that affect their value. Five similar land plots in one district of the city were identified and selected. The plots were selected based on the proximity of the location, area, date of sale, and the same purpose. Thus, a methodological approach was used to determine the market value of the land plot, based on the analog or comparative method. All the characteristics of the factors used for the monetary evaluation of each plot were indexed according to the analogue plots. The cost of the land plot was determined as the median or modal value of the obtained results and amounted to UAH 3155.45 per m2. The results of using the method of expert assessment with a market approach showed its effectiveness.
Authors and Affiliations
M. Serbov, G. Liashenko, N. Danilova, T. Kostiukievych, V. Kolosovskaya, D. Zagorevska
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