Explanatory Weaknesses of Intelligent Design
Journal Title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy - Year 2013, Vol 10, Issue 0
Instead of arguing against the content of ID, the paper points at its methodological deficiencies. In the first place, it is argued, against its followers, that ID is not falsifiable. Contrary to Evolution, ID cannot even play a role of a metaphysical research program in the Popperian sense of the word. More importantly, ID is devoid of any explanatory power. The only kind of explanation for ID to offer is an intentional explanation. This, however, ID is not able to do, for it cannot identify any intentions on the part of the putative Designer. The argument is illustrated by examples from Stanislav Lem’s prose, that present a handful of alternative hypotheses about the Designer’s ends without any hint concerning the choice between them. In addition, the paper puts into doubt the probabilistic argument in favor of ID as well as the argument from irreducible complexity, pointing at the relative simplicity of artefact in comparison to natural objects.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Grobler
Kreacjonizm po lubelsku
Recenzja książki: Piotr JAROSZYŃSKI (red.), Ewolucjonizm czy kreacjonizm, Przyszłość Cywilizacji Zachodu, Fundacja "Lubelska Szkoła Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej", Lublin 2008, s. 374.
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