Exploration of wild edible plants used by Gujjar and Bakerwal tribes of District Rajouri (J&K), India
Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 1
The analysis of wild plant exploration was carried out to document the wild edible plants of district Rajouri (J&K), India. The present investigation of wild edible plants were based on extensive and intensive field survey during 2009- 2011. A total of 58 wild edible plant species belonging to 50 genera and 39 families have been reported from the area. Rosaceae was the dominant family that represented 7 taxa, while Brassiceae, Fabaceae, Moraceae and Poaceae represented with 3 taxa each and other 33 families have less representation. Tree make up was the highest proportion of the edible species 28 (41%) followed by 26 were herbs (38%) and 14 were shrubs (21%). Based on the requirements/edibility, majority of the plant species (26 species) are commonly used as fruits, 14 serve as vegetables, 1 species as flavoring agents (spices), roots, tubers of 3 species are eaten as raw and seeds/grains from 8 species for various substitute of food, whereas 2 species are used in making special drinks.
Authors and Affiliations
L. Dangwal, Tajinder Singh, Amandeep Singh
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