Exploring Immigration Experiences in the USA: Evaluating Traditional Assimilation Theories with a Latinx Focus
Journal Title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN MOBILITY - Year 2024, Vol 4, Issue 1
Classical assimilation theories avoided further exploration of the assimilation processes and operations of ethnic organizations. Thus, the current study adopts the format of an extended narrative review article, analyzing classical theoretical perspectives on assimilation. This paper sheds light on the complex interplay of factors influencing the process while critically evaluating the utility of classical assimilation theories in contemporary immigration settings. The present study embarks on a comprehensive exploration of immigrant experiences across different Latinx generations in the United States, with a focus on the role of ethnic enclaves. The results reveal the following: a) there have been multifaceted barriers that need to be evaluated related to immigrant integration, including language proficiency, disparities in educational attainment, income inequality, occupational segregation, socioeconomic status disparities, and residential choices; b) these can stem from experiences of discrimination and exclusion. Hence, concerns related to ill-treatment across immigrant generations might differ. In summary, this paper examines the limitations of traditional assimilation theories in explaining contemporary immigrant experiences and outcomes in the U.S.
Authors and Affiliations
İmge Doğan
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