Exploring Oral Health Behavior In Residential Gunung Masigit Village with Radon Level 2030±509 Bq/m3 and 1140+ 393 Bq/m3
Journal Title: Higiene : Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 3
An oral health behaviour is a new science in the social revolution of industrialization to reflect the developing self-actualization and the concept of general health research. Environmental factors such as radon ionizing radiation can affect oral health. This study is needed to assess the behavior of the community towards oral health living in springs exposed to radon by concentrating on individual assessments of the condition of the teeth and mouth, maintenance practices of dental and oral hy-giene, and treatment seeking behavior in the WHO assesment 2013 questionnaire.This research con-ducted a observational method using a cross sectional approach on residents who lived on Gunung Masigit village, West Bandung regency. Inclusion Criteria are men or women aged 26-45 years who are indigenous people who live> 10 years and work in the area and are willing to be participants in the study (voluntary). Based on this research that the subject's assessment of dental and mouth con-ditions, maintenance was good enough and had quite an impact on the functions of mastication, speech, psychological and social aspects (in the range of 33.33% -66.66%) while based on search be-havior treatment is bad (<33.33%).Conclusion: there is a relationship between behavioral factors po-tentially damaging oral and dental health in radon radiation exposure in springs.
Authors and Affiliations
Azhari Azhari, Ivhatry R O P S, Merry Annisa, Irmaleny S, Suhardjo Sitam
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