Expression analisis of the ITSN2 and TKS5 mRNA isoforms in human malignant breast tumors


Aim. Despite the great progress in cancer treating, the breast cancer remains lethal in 15 % cases. Regardless of the many years of research and extensive experience in the treatment of this type of cancer, one of the main problems in diagnosis and therapy is its high clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Thereby the identification of markers for personalized treatment of patients is still an actual issue. Methods. Collection of clinical material, RNA isolation, and expression analysis of ITSN2 and TKS5 isoforms using quantitative real time PCR with fluorescence-labeled probes. Results. We have found that ITSN2-S expression is reliably reduced in HER2/neu-positive tumors with poor prognosis. There were no significant differences in the expression of ITSN2-L and TKS5-L in the analyzed samples. Conclusions. These studies have demonstrated the possible use of ITSN2 short isoform (ITSN2-S) as a prognostic marker for breast cancer. Keywords: breast cancer, ITSN2, TKS5, expression analysis.

Authors and Affiliations

S. V. Kropyvko, L. O. Tsyba, O. V. Novokhatska, L. A. Syvak, T. Ye. Tarasenko, A. N. Grabovoy, A. V. Rynditch


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  • EP ID EP613182
  • DOI 10.7124/visnyk.utgis.16.1.899
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How To Cite

S. V. Kropyvko, L. O. Tsyba, O. V. Novokhatska, L. A. Syvak, T. Ye. Tarasenko, A. N. Grabovoy, A. V. Rynditch (2018). Expression analisis of the ITSN2 and TKS5 mRNA isoforms in human malignant breast tumors. Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 16(1), 20-27.