FACES OF ART: Art at home or art of dwelling?
Journal Title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica - Year 2013, Vol 14, Issue 1
This paper explores the phenomenon of the presence of works of art in the apartment. The sense of their presence in the living space is problematic. Ornament and decoration, being a means of creating a sense of dwelling, are characterized in terms of modality. On the one hand, they create a sense of “homeliness” and on the other hand they are moved below the level of perception. The experience and contemplation of the work of art are associated with in-depth reflection. Therefore, we should ask a question; is speaking about the art in the house reasonable? However, the art of dwelling is making a person comfortable at home and creating the impression of homeliness. Dwelling, being at home, are based on the formula of habitual perception of the physical order. The presented empirical study is based on research using grounded theory. The article includes two dimension of analysis: 1) styling polarization – the opposition of imitation and authenticity, 2) combining the values of modernity and rusticity.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Brosz
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