Factor analyses of financial stability of economic security of joint agricultural enterprises

Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2017, Vol 27, Issue 4


Introduction. The article deals with the issues of the relationship between financial sustainability of an enterprise and its level of economic security. The content of financial stability is considered. The author's definition is presented in this research. The main conditions of stability achievement are investigated. A logical scheme is presented. This scheme reflects the place of financial stability and financial security in ensuring economic security of the economic entity. The system of external and internal factors influencing financial stability and threatens financial stability and financial safety of the enterprise is considered. Purpose. The article aims to carry out the factor analysis of financial sustainability for the economic security of joint agricultural enterprises. Results. It has been established that internal factors, such as the availability of financial resources and financial position, the structure of capital, the ability of an enterprise to generate profits determine the level of its economic security and the ability to withstand the negative effects of external and internal threats. It has been substantiated the necessity to increase the financial stability with the purpose of growth of level of economic safety of the enterprise. On the basis of the conducted research, it has been proposed a matrix of risks that influence the financial stability and economic safety of the enterprise. It allows determining the probability of their manifestation and degree of influence. We have determined the economic, social, human resources, financial, organizational and economic, and innovative and production tools for improving the stability and financial security of the economic entity. The list of typical measures that have been considered in this article will allow making a plan to minimize adverse impacts and enhance financial sustainability and security.

Authors and Affiliations

Victoria Petrenko


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How To Cite

Victoria Petrenko (2017). Factor analyses of financial stability of economic security of joint agricultural enterprises. Економічний аналіз, 27(4), 255-260. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-313833