Factors Affecting Accounting Student Academic Performance in the First Year of Study: A Case from Indonesia
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 5
Abstract:This study aims to analyze factors affecting accounting student academic performance in the first year study, i.e., gender, learning motivation, experience in the accounting courses, activeness in the student organizations, and scholarship. Data collection was done in December 2017 and this study ended up with 125 students of the Accounting Department, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia, as a sample. By using OLS Regression, the findings show that learning motivation has a positive significant influence on student academic performance, meanwhile, activeness in the student organizations influences negatively on student academic performance. Moreover, the rest of independent variables in this study do not have a significant influence on the student academic performance. With the limited number of sample, this study still contributes in the accounting education research area, particularly on factors affecting student academic performance. Keywords: gender, learning motivation, experience in the accounting courses, activeness in the student organizations, scholarship, student academic performance, accounting education.
Authors and Affiliations
Eko Suyono
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