Factors Affecting Medical Equipment Maintenance Management: A Systematic Review
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 4
ABSTRACT Introduction: The medical equipment maintenance management is a pivotal issue for the safety and cost of medical devices in order to improve medical devices system targets. We need a comprehensive assessment tool that covers all aspects of medical equipment maintenance management in hospitals. In this regard, identification of influential factors is essential. Aim: The aim of the present systematic review was to extract the factors affecting the medical equipment maintenance management. Materials and Methods: We conducted a comprehensive search in databases including OVID, PubMed, ProQuest, Scopus, Embase, Science Direct and web of science without any time limitation until October 2015. The result was updated in June 2017. Inclusion criteria were all studies related to medical equipment maintenance management and mentioning at least one factor that affects this process. Two independent reviewers checked the research process, screening of articles and quality assessment. Quality of the studies was assessed by QASP and STROBE checklist. Results: A total of 29 articles were included in this study. All the included articles were in English language. Finally, 89 factors were identified that affect the medical equipment maintenance management. Five of the factors were found related to resources item, 12 factors related to service, four factors related to education, 15 of these factors regarding to quality control, 19 factors related to inspection, 12 factors related to information bank and 22 factors was dedicated to management. Conclusion: Influential factors (management, resources, information bank, inspection, quality control, education and service) are implicated in decision-making in support of selection, purchase, repair and maintenance of medical equipment, especially for capital equipment managers and medical engineers in hospitals and also for assessment of this process. Identification and classification of influential factors can be of help for raising critical alerts about equipments more prone to maintenance problems.
Authors and Affiliations
Rona Bahreini, Leila Doshmangir, Ali Imani
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