Factors and barriers of social adaptation of reluctant migrants
Journal Title: Вісник Національного технічного університету України “Київський політехнічний інститут”. Політологія. Соціологія. Право. - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue
In the article, the main factors and barriers of social adaptation of reluctant migrants that are able to contribute to or to hinder successful adaptation to new social conditions of life are presented. Modern sociological concepts of adaptation and integration of migrants are analyzed such as the concept of acculturation by D. Berry; Interactive Acculturation Model by R. Bourhis, L. Moise, S. Perreault and S. Senecal; the concept of four dimensions of social integration of an individual/group (acculturation, placement, interaction and identification) by H. Esser; the concept of segmented integration by W. Bosswick and F. Heckmann. The following factors of successful integration of reluctant migrants are considered: relevance of sociocultural systems of the homeland and host societies; length of stay in a host society; civil/political participation; involvement in religious practices of a host society; dispersion of migrants residence; positive attitude to migrants from a new reference group; urbanized context of adaptation. The following barriers may impede the social adaptation of reluctant migrants: the existence of a “cultural conflict” between the homeland and host societies; lack of own housing; lack of jobs and stable income; spatial segregation or compact residence of migrants; hostile attitude of a host society; negative discourse of mass media; involuntary migration. It has been concluded that the knowledge and consideration of these factors and barriers can contribute to improvement of relations between local and migrant communities as well as the optimization of migrant adaptation practices.
Authors and Affiliations
Е. В. Батаева, О. А Попова
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