Factors Influencing Implementation of Strategic Plans in Public Secondary Schools in Lari District, Kiambu County

Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 11


Previous studies have indicated that good strategies have been written but very little has been achieved in their implementation. It has further been argued that only 10% of formulated strategies are successfully implemented. Studies done in Kenya give a good inside about strategy implementation but they do not explain what factors influence strategy implementation. In addition, these studies were not based in Kenya public secondary Schools. This study was carried out to investigate the factors influencing the implementation of strategic plans in public secondary schools in Lari District Kiambu County. The study aimed at determining the influence of organizational structure, leadership style, resource allocation and communication on implementation of strategic plans in public secondary schools in Lari district. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study population comprised of the school managers both BOG and PTA members, heads of departments, teachers and other BOG employees serving in the selected schools. A sample of 64 respondents was selected from a target population of 640 stakeholders. Primary data was collected through questionnaires, that was administered through ?drop and pick later? method while secondary data was collected through document review. Quantitative data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The SPSS statistical computer package was used in the analysis. Quantitative data was presented using bar-graphs, pie charts and frequency distribution tables. Qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis. The study revealed that organizational leadership contributed the most to the implementation of strategic plans; followed by resource allocation, communication and organizational structure the least. Based on the findings, it is recommended that for public secondary schools to improve on the implementation of their strategic plans there is need to enhance teamwork, communication and transparency. The study also recommends that resources need to be adequately availed to capacity building, implementation activities and tasks based on the organizational structure. Decision making process should also be made open and participatory to enhance teachers and other BOG employees? ownership of the implementation process.

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(2013). Factors Influencing Implementation of Strategic Plans in Public Secondary Schools in Lari District, Kiambu County. UNKNOWN, 2(11), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-338984