Factors of the emergence and development of social and pedagogical terminology in the Smolensk province in the pre-revolutionary period (mid-XIX - early XX centuries)
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 10
The article describes the final stage of the research devoted to the tradition of using social and pedagogical terminology in the Smolensk province in the pre-revolutionary period (mid-19th — early 20th centuries). To do this, we determined the degree of saturation of the analysed documents by the terms of social pedagogy, defined the context (interpretation), in which the terms of social pedagogy were used in the analysed documents, revealed social actors who most actively used the terms of social pedagogy in the process of creating documents, described the relationship between the use of terms of social pedagogy and specific social and cultural-historical factors.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Davydova, V. Dvoinev
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