
This article analyzes the general cultural and socio-economic condition in which there is a modern, post-industrial, informational civilization, which was at the intersection of its development. It is noted that the complexity of forming a new paradigm of thinking, which determines the way civilization moves – by self-development and self-improvement or by self-destruction, is determined by the aggravation of crisis phenomena in the world society in general, namely the presence of self-centered orientation of the individual, the deterioration of the socio-economic situation in most countries the world, the decline of the spiritual component of personality, etc. spirituality is understood as a generalizing notion of value consciousness of a person with a philosophical, life-orienting and life-affirming significance and plays a special role in the field of morality, directs the intellectual and moral potential, the mind and will of man. spirituality manifests itself in the free perception and implementation of the principle of altruism, that is, the ability to consciously and voluntarily perceive the interests of an- other person, collective, society as their own values, expressed in disinterestedness, the desire to do good, to affirm justice, to demonstrate and realize compassion, mercy, empa- thy, etc. as organic motives of actions and human behavior. spirituality involves the inclu- sion of the person in an active process of self-development and self-improvement on the basis of universal human and national humanistic values, as well as overcoming in his consciousness selfishness, hatred, intolerance, violence, aggressiveness, falsity, pharisaism, and others like that. Consequently, the intellect not immersed in morality can destroy not only around itself, but itself. spiritlessness is understood as the opposite of spirituality. Changing value priorities directly affects the internal mechanisms of consciousness of the individual, and also suppresses the creative potential of the whole society. The absence of saints, basic truths or artificially created strong moral prohibitions that restrict and direct the activity of the individual to productive and creative activity are the roots of the growth of crime and violence, suicide cases, moral promiscuity, etc. Gloriously-compliant, promising attitude towards manifestations of sexual deviations, contempt and non-compliance with family values, the priority of mercantilism as immoral life orientations and beliefs can not substitute for spiritual orientations and create a harmoniously developed personality in a society. Note that the important factor in the formation of self-destructive activity of the individual are the conditions of socialization of the individual and social learning (learning). There is a gradual process of self-destruction of a personality – a complex social phe- nomenon, which is one of the forms of self-movement and is directed to antisocial values. In such a system of values, the person is disorientated. We note that self-destruction of a person is carried out both in elemental unconscious forms, when the individual does not set the goal of actual destruction, and in conscious forms (a conscious choice of an as- social form of life), when the person is purposefully deliberately destroys his spiritual and physical component. such destructive behavior of a person, based on impotence, as a phenomenon of the inner emptiness, almost always produces the phenomenon of self-destruction of the indi- vidual, embodied in various forms (active, boundary and passive), which exist both sepa- rately and in a certain synthesis with each other in various variations. The problem of lack of spirituality in the present conditions of the general decline of spiritual culture is a problem of relevance, and its solution – a socially necessary factor for the future to overcome the trains to self-destructive behavior of the individual. And the timely solution to it depends on the social and spiritual health of the society, the perspec- tive opportunities for implementing the plan for self-development and self-improvement of the individual, the introduction of value and life-oriented landmarks in the context of the evolution of the individual. Possible ways to overcome the existential challenges and threats to modern society and man are proposed, namely the combination of efforts of society and personality along the whole vertical of possibilities – from the right personal attitude to manifestations of self- destructive behavior, to preventive measures in order to prevent the appearance of destructive phenomena. Thanks to philosophical and anthropological reflection it is proved that the self-destruction of a person is a social phenomenon of modern culture, but at the same time it is a social disease, a pathology of society, and therefore the modern task is to transform the human consciousness towards the instillation of universal values in the formation of the personality, realization of its creative potential and provision of value orientation in life. A new strategic paradigm to overcome self-destruction of a person should include preventive measures: comprehensive state programs on combating crime, corruption, unemployment, drug addiction, alcoholism, all social defects and diseases; implementation of the principles of humanization of children and adolescents, raising national education and culture to a higher, qualitative level; urgent prophylactic.

Authors and Affiliations

Віктор Олексійович Лозовой, Андрій Іванович Понеділок


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  • EP ID EP404866
  • DOI 10.21564/2075-7190.38.139947
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Віктор Олексійович Лозовой, Андрій Іванович Понеділок (2018). fAILURE AS ONE Of THE PERSONALITY SELf-DESTRUCTION fACTORS. Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія, 3(38), 31-42.