FARM SIZE AND PRODUCTIVITY RELATIONSHIP (An Empirical Investigation based on Cost of Cultivation Data)
Journal Title: International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS) - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 4
The debate of farm size and productivity relationship is one of the most important debates in the Indian agricultural economic literature and continues to attract the attention of the scholars even today. The controversy is important for it provides information on the existence of economies of scale in agriculture and on the choice of the optimal farm size. The genesis of the problem can be traced to the chronic food shortages, which India has been facing ever since the separation of Burma. The situation, aggravated by the Second World War set in motion thinking about the need for a policy for agricultural development. Though some programs had been launched even earlier, serious discussions started in the post-independence era only. The discussion relating to the strategy for agricultural development brought into prominence two schools of thought-one based on technological approach and the other on institutional reforms. The latter school addressed itself, among other things, to the question of farm organization. The major objective of this approach was to effect a re-organization of the units of production (i.e., farms) to achieve high level of productivity and efficiency through appropriate land reforms. Since then began the investigations for providing efficient conditions for agricultural production. There fore, in this study, an attempt is made to examine the nature of the relationship between farm size and productivity using new sets of data, especially the primary data samples collected from Cost of Cultivation studies for the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Thirumagal J Pillai
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