Fast Dissolving Tablets – Future Aspects


The Fast Dissolving Drug Delivery Systems was an advancement that came into existence in the early 1970’s and combat over the use of the tablets, syrups, capsules which are the other oral drug delivery systems.Oral route having the highest patient compliance is regarded as the most convenient, safest and also the most economical method of drug delivery. Fast dissolving tablets are one such most advantageous example of the oral drug delivery. These tablets readily dissolve or disintegrate in the saliva i.e. within less than 60sec without the need for water. They have been formulated for pediatric, geriatric and bedridden patients. This type of dosage forms are also ideal for active patients who are busy and traveling and may not have access to water. FDTs have gained considerable attention for those patients who have difficulties in swallowing because of dysphagia, hand tremors problems and have additional advantage for unconscious, young patients with under developed muscular and nervous system. This review describes the various advantages, limitations, desired characteristics, formulation aspects, super-disintegrate employed, technologies developed for FDTs, evaluation tests, and marketed formulations.

Authors and Affiliations

Satvinder Singh, Ujjwal Nautiyal, Ramandeep Singh, Sarabjot Kaur


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Satvinder Singh, Ujjwal Nautiyal, Ramandeep Singh, Sarabjot Kaur (2015). Fast Dissolving Tablets – Future Aspects. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Reserach, 3(2), -.