Features of a Transposition of «an acquis» of the EU in the Legal System of Ukraine in the Process of Implementation of Ukraine and the EU Association Agreement and the Energy Community Treaty
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1
An article is devoted to the analysis of process of transposition «an acquis» of the EU in the legal system of Ukraine, provided by the Agreement on association and the Energy Community Treaty. The author notes that the «acquis» of the EU transposition in the legal system of Ukraine is a difficult process which happens thanks to the participation of our state in foreign policies of the EU, the conclusion of bilateral agreements and sectoral cooperation with the EU. An accession of Ukraine to the Energy Community and concluding the Association agreement with the EU has considerable influence on process of europeanization of the legal system of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
Роман Петров, Roman Petrov
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