Features of creation and activity of the procuracy in the South Ukraine in the 1920s
Journal Title: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія. - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 1
This article is devoted to the analysis of regionalproblems beginning of the procuracy in terms ofsocial transformation and the establishment of anauthoritarian regime in the USSR in the 1920s. Thetheme is caused by necessity of reforming the modernlaw enforcement. Research tasks were solved byusing scientific methods, analysis, synthesis, synthesisand comparison.In the 1920s in the South of Ukraine the procuracymonitors the activities of law enforcement agencies andgovernment institutions. It helps to prevent the violationof the law of the regional administration. Activity of theprocuracy conducted in accordance with the political andideological course of the party of power. Create procuracy inthe South of Ukraine took place in the tragic circumstancesof civil conflict, the growing insurgency, especiallycharacteristic of the region. The procuracy actively usedthe power of punitive and repressive measures against political opponents. To solve the problem of staff turnoverand deficit of professionalism power tried by organizingthe rapid training and professional development. Theseproblems have reduced the effectiveness of procuracysupervision over the observance of legality in the South ofUkraine in the 1920s.In future research the author will be related to theanalysis of problems of law enforcement agencies of thestate in terms of crisis and democratic reforms.
Authors and Affiliations
Vyacheslav Slivenko
Администрирование строительства Южно-Украинского и Северо-Крымского каналов в 1950−1953 гг.
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Features of creation and activity of the procuracy in the South Ukraine in the 1920s
This article is devoted to the analysis of regionalproblems beginning of the procuracy in terms ofsocial transformation and the establishment of anauthoritarian regime in the USSR in the 1920s. Thetheme is caused by nece...
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