Features of genre formation in film art of the 21st century
Journal Title: Interdisciplinary Cultural and Humanities Review - Year 2023, Vol 2, Issue 2
The relevance of the study lies in rethinking the specifics of existing film genres, the processes of their transformation in the cinema of the 21st century. Objective of the study is to recreate the logic of the formation of a modern genre system that includes new hybrid forms. The following methods are used: structural-system, general scientific methods of theoretical research (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalisation, classification, etc.). The features of the formation of modern film genres were examined. It is established how new hybrid genres are formed, and the features of dialectical development of genre forms are analysed. The genesis of documentary animation is considered, using examples of well-known modern works made in this genre form. The results of the study can be used for further systematic examination of hybrid forms of film genres, which will allow including this material in the training programmes of specialists in the field of film studies, art history, audiovisual journalism, film and television directing, and to define the hybrid genre as a separate category at creative film festivals and screenings
Authors and Affiliations
Violeta Demeschenko
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