Features of land management in the decentralization conditions
Journal Title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" - Year 2021, Vol 1, Issue 3
It is established that the decentralization reform in Ukraine along with the administrative reform provided the formation of a new administrative-territorial system. This led to changes in land management, which primarily affected the improvement of land relations, setting the new administrative structures, and planning sustainable management of land protection on a local level. It is determined that certain provisions of land management in decentralization terms require proper institutionalization, in particular: establishing new boundaries for administrative units on the ground, consolidation of land management systems for united territorial communities, improving the management of agricultural lands outside the localities that are transferred to territorial communities’ ownership. It is emphasized on the need to adapt the cadastral numbers system to the new codifier of administrative-territorial units, and on the urgency of developing new comprehensive plans for the spatial development of the community, which would ensure rational organization of UTC territory in accordance with the mutual interests of all localities. It is determined that the study results may serve as a basis for justification of further institutionalization of changes in the land management.
Authors and Affiliations
R. Voloshyn, A. Vitrovyi, R. Rozum, M. Buriak
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