Features of reactive changes in the submandibular salivary gland, initiated by the introduction of platyphyllin and proserine
Journal Title: Клінічна стоматологія - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1
Secretion and secretion of saliva is a complex multifactorial reflex process that provides optimal conditions for adapting the body to the changes occurring in its life. The aim of the study – to determine the reactive changes in the submandibular salivary gland, initiated by the introduction of platyphyllin and proserine. Materials and Methods. During the design and implementation of the study three main groups of animals were formed to study the changes in the structure of large salivary glands: control – 20 animals, which were administered isotonic NaCl solution to exclude the effect of water loading in the comparison group; experimental І – 40 animals that received platyphyllin 0.3 mg/kg in isotonic solution; experimental II – 40 animals administered 0.1 g/kg peroxide per serum per isotonic solution. After euthanasia of experimental animals, removed submandibular salivary glands were treated in accordance with the generally accepted histological preparations and stained with methylene blue and polychromic dye solution, followed by light microscopy and photographed. Results and Discussion. The introduction of platyphyllin in rats did not affect the tinctorial properties of secretory granules of epithelial cells in the terminal regions of the submandibular salivary gland. The morphological characteristics of the latter did not differ from the structural organization of cells in the control group of animals. Influence of transazin on the secretory components of the lobules of the submandibular glands of rats was characterized by morphological signs of increased functional activity of acinar and ductal epithelial cells. With stimulation of platinum, there is an increase in carbohydrate content in the secretion of the hyoid hypochondrium, and the juxtaclecular transport of fluid through the duct wall is intensified. The introduction of proserine initiates increased secretion in the endpoints. Reactive changes from the vessels of the hemomycocirculatory channel appear to be synergistic. With stimulation of platyphyllin, there is an increase in carbohydrate content in the secretion of the hyoid hypochondrium, and the juxtaclecular transport of fluid through the duct wall is intensified. The introduction of proserine initiates increased secretion in the endpoints. Reactive changes from the vessels of the hemomycocirculatory channel appear to be synergistic. Conclusions. Introduction to experimental animals of platyphyllin and proserine causes, in the exchange and capacious links of the hemomycocirculatory bed of the submandibular salivary gland, unidirectional changes that manifest themselves by an increase in metric indices with a predominance of values when introducing proserinum.
Authors and Affiliations
N. V. Hasiuk, G. A. Yeroshenko, D. V. Tsukanov, L. V. Yemetz
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