Features of Solving Operational Tasks of the Monitoring Subsystem in Systems for Strategic Control of the Regional Structure and Territorial Organization of Entities in the Agri-Food Sphere
Journal Title: Бізнес Інформ - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue
The article highlights scientifically based design decisions on system-wide issues related to the functional structure of the daily monitoring task of implementing by the territorial-production system its production plan, the nature of its internal and external communications, interaction and interdependence of its functional and supporting parts. The solution of the daily monitoring task of implementing by the territorial-production system its production plan with the electronic digital machines and using subscriber stations as the main data collection and logging devices allows: to reduce the processing time and obtaining accounting and economic as well as analytical information; to reduce the complexity of the calculations; to improve the reliability and quality of the monitoring; to monitor systematically the implementation of the plan and take timely measures to eliminate backlogs; to calculate production and economic plans for the units for the next twenty-four hours with regard to their implementation for the given twenty-for hours. The prospect for the further research is solving the given problem on the basis of a more complete regulation (system of rules) allowing to obtain operational accounting and economic as well as analytical information about the causes of deviations during the implementation of the production and economic plan.
Authors and Affiliations
Serhii Tkachenko
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