Features of the High Blood Pressure Daily Monitoring Indices in Patients with Different Degree of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Activity
Journal Title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 7
Introduction. According to the information from literary sources, in 12.0-49.0 % of the patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) there is arterial hypertension (AH). According to the Framingham study, increased blood pressure (BP) leads to an increase in cardiovascular morbidity by 4-5 times compared with the general population, and the risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with SLE is 50 times greater than that of those who do not have SLE. Aim. To find out the features of the blood pressure daily monitoring (BPDM) in patients with SLE with varying degrees of activity of the pathological process. Materials and methods. The survey includes 83 people (71 women (85.5%) and 12 men (14.5%)) aged from 17 to 68 years old (at the time of BPDM average age – 38.6 ± 1.3 ). All the patients have been diagnosed with SLE according to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatologists (1982, 1997) and have elevated BP, – the experimental group. These individuals are divided into three groups according to the randomized principle with pre-stratification on the activity of the pathological process of the underlying disease – SLE at the time of BPDM. Results. It was found, that in patients with SLE of the 1st activity degree the levels of mean heart rate (HR) during the day, active and passive periods and diastolic blood pressure (DiaBP) time index (TI) during the passive period were significantly elevated; other significant deviations of BPDM parameters weren’t recorded. In the patients with the 2nd degree of SLE activity the significantly elevated levels of mean HR during the day, active and passive periods, systolic blood pressure (SysBP) daily index (DI), DiaBP and mean BP (MBP), SysBP TI, DiaBP TI and MBP TI during the day and the passive period, SysBP TI during the active period were found. In the patients with SLE of the 3rd activity degree were recorded the significantly elevated levels of mean HR during the day, the active and passive periods; average daily levels of SysBP, DiaBP and MBP throughout the day, the active and passive periods; SysBP DI, DiaBP DI and MBP DI; SysBP TI, DiaBP TI, MBP TI throughout the day and active and passive periods. Conclusions. The detected regularities of BPDM help to optimize the treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with SLE.
Authors and Affiliations
U. Abrahamovych
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