Features of the organization of Buddhist thinking space
Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 1
The article presents the hypothesis of differences in spatial mode of philosophical thinking. A consequence of these differences arise in the general form of cognitive space. This in turn shapes the interior of the concept and turns it into a miniature model of the general form of cognitive space. Presented are two main forms of epistemological thinking (mental-dimensional schemes). The first is mental-dimensional pyramid scheme in which mental space disappears in a kind of mental peak. In this diagram form the basic concepts of One, the Absolute, God, the substance, the soul as substance and others. The second mental-spatial scheme reminds inverted pyramid. In her mentally absentgravitational basic concepts (Single, Single Demiurge soul as substance and others.). According to the author this mental-spatial scheme exclusive to the Buddhist philosophical thinking.
Authors and Affiliations
Alesiyan Pacev
Honor. Mercy. Glory (On the 175th anniversary of the National Medical University Bogomolets)
През 2016 г. Националния медицински университет “О. О. Богомолец” навършва 175- та годишнина от основаването си, 135 години от раждането на академик О.О. Богомолец, 205-та годишнина от рождението на професор В. О. Карава...
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