
Background. Continuous improvement of the products quality, as a factor increasing the competitiveness of national enterprises, is one of the basic economic and social tasks of Ukraine now. The complex of measures such as standardization, metrology, quality management, extensive testing organization, voluntary certification for the compliance with the standards, which are recognized by the highly economically developed countries, must be directed for its solution. Wide promotion of agricultural products is greatly constrained by the outdated regulatory base of Ukrainian standardization, metrology and conformity assessment. The reasonable way to resolve this situation is to harmonize and to bring to the identity the content regulations for these products with the provisions of internationally recognized food standards Codex Alimentarius Commission. The aim of the study – detailed analysis, comparison, systematization and development of proposals for the harmonization of national norms of wheat standar­dization in accordance with the regulatory document of Codex Alimentarius Commission. Material and methods. As the methodological framework the materials of domestic DSTU 3768:2010 "Wheat. Specifications" and the standard of Codex Alimen­tarius Commission Codex Stan 199–1995 "Wheat and durum wheat", methods of scientific knowledge, analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, induction and deduction, systematization of methodological approaches were used. Results. Both of standards are similar on the basic structure. According to the DSTU 3768:2010 depending on quality indicators wheat is divided into 6 classes, durum wheat – into 5. According to Codex Stan 199–1995 wheat and durum wheat are not divided into classes. One of the main indicators of wheat quality indexes is its nature and humidity. The significant difference between the national and international standards on wheat is the fact, that in the latter the indicators, which norm and are associated with gluten and protein content, are not used. For the regulation of hazardous and harmful contaminants content in wheat national standard contains links on MBC and CN № 5061–89 number, SSanRandN.–2001, MN–2006, international standard – on the Codex Stan 193–1995, CAC/RCP 1–1969 and CAC/MRL 2–2015. These regulations set allowable levels of toxic metals, mycotoxins, radionuclide and pesticides residues. They differ significantly on the complex of indicators and its quantitative limits. Conclusion. Basing on the analysis it was determined that approved on the state level norms of wheat standardization are not harmonized and have significant differences with the norms of internationally recognized standards of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Common key indicator of wheat quality, which is recognized interna­tionally, is its nature, which is by 11.7–1.4 % higher than proposed in national standard. In addition, significant differences in the standard norms of toxic metals, mycotoxins, radionuclides and their isotopes, pesticides presence and content were found.

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Dmitro ANTIUSHKO (2017). FEATURES OF WHEAT STANDARDIZATION IN UKRAINE AND IN THE WORLD. Міжнародний науково-практичний журнал Товари і Ринки, 1(23), 90-101. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-299547