Femoral Head Avascular Necrosis: Correlation of Clinical Findings, Radiographic Staging and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 11
Abstract: Non traumatic avascular necrosis (AVN) of the adult hip is a condition being diagnosed with increasing frequency. It is a condition that affects primarily younger adults, is bilateral in over 50% of the cases, and involves joints other that the hip approximately 15% of the time. Without definite treatment approximately 70% to 80% of clinically diagnosed cases will progress and most will require some form of hip replacement within 3 to 4 years of diagnosis.In order to early diagnosis of AVN by MRI the present study was carried out in Sixty patients who presented with the complaints of hip pain and suspected clinically to be AVN, in the department of Radio-Diagnosis & Imaging, Mamata Medical college & Hospital, Khammam between November 2007 – October 2009.out of 60, 46 cases were positive for AVN.17 patients belongs to 20-30years of age. In most of the cases left hip was involved. Double line sign positive in 35 hips. Keywords:Avascular necrosis of hip, MRI scan, Double line sign
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. S. Rangareddy, Dr. Prashanth Kumar K. S
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