
Пошуки спрямовані на осмислення сутнісних параметрів як сучасного мистецтва зокрема, так і природи мистецтва взагалі приводять до з’ясування його активнотворчих властивостей, що віддзеркалюють його фундаментальні виміри. В історії естетичної думки ми зустрічаємо різні концептуальні підходи до цієї проблеми. Починаючи з античних часів феномен активності мистецтва в тій чи іншій формі аналізувався. Особливо важливими, цікавими і продуктивними є дослідження проблем в ХХ ст. і, зокрема, праці заїідноєвропейських вчених. Особливе місце в цьому напряму є праці таких різних, але надзвичайно цікавих дослідників як З. Фрейд, К. Юнг і Ортега-і- Гассет. В статті робиться спроба проаналізувати непростий доробок цих видатних особистой в європейській науці. The present paper is aimed at understanding the essential parameters of both contemporary art in particular and the nature of art in general. The article leads to the clarification of their active-creative properties, which reflect fundamental dimensions. In the history of aesthetic thought we can encounter different conceptual approaches to this problem. The phenomenon of art activity in one form or another since the ancient times is analyzed. Particularly important, interesting and productive the research problem was in the twentieth century and, in particular, in the works of western European scholars. A special place in this direction is the works of such diverse, but extremely interesting researchers as S. Freud, C. Jung and Ortega-i-Gasset. The article attempts to analyze difficult achievements of these outstanding individuals in European science. In the history of the development of arts there are very few philosophical, aesthetic, and cultural concepts that could argue with the theory of S. Freud in terms of their effect on the real artistic process. Freud, first of all basing on his own practice of a psychiatrist, came to the conclusion that the basis of all forms of the human activity, including arts, are the primitive instincts that make up a certain system of the subconscious. S. Freud's analysis of the psycho-aesthetic concept leads to the conclusions which show us very eloquently that his understanding of the activity of arts is limited to the sphere of arts itself, self-depressions and various identities of the one who perceives works of arts. The Freudian concept of arts activity acquires a slightly different modification in C.G. Jung. In defining the undeniable active function of the subconscious in all spheres of human life and activity, including arts, Jung, however, tries to give the subconscious, in our opinion, a greater social and cultural significance, which goes far beyond the horizons of individual consciousness and individual action. At the same time, C. Jung's arts is capable of compensatory action only in the life of society, which is far from its true socio-cultural activity. Deepening his idea, Ortega-i-Gasset tries to show an active role as a metaphor, as a kind of instrument of arts. And the metaphor, and other means, are directed, as it turns out, to one goal - to turn arts into a kind of game.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Brovko


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M. Brovko (2017). ФЕНОМЕН АКТИВНОСТІ МИСТЕЦТВА В ЗАХІДНОЄВРОПЕЙСЬКІЙ ЕСТЕТИЦІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(13), 28-36. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433493