Феномен насильства над дітьми в освітньому середовищі України [The Phenomenon of Violence against Children in the Educational Environment of Ukraine]
Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5
The article investigates the phenomenon of violence against children in the educational environment. The factors that exacerbate violence in the educational environment are analyzed. The problems of protecting children from violence in the educational environment are highlighted. The paper examines the concept of school mediation as reconciliation of the sides of a school conflict with the help of a peer mediator. It is noted that the state, the school, and the educational authorities should be interested in introducing mediatory practices. The latter contribute to the improvement of the school environment, facilitate dialogue within the school environment, and help achieve compromises. It is noted that schools do not normally want to advertise conflicts at the public level, and mediation provides such a possibility without deliberately concealing the conflicts and without violating the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children at the same time. The article sums up the experience of European countries in the field of prevention of violence against children in the educational environment. The main objective of the article is to study the phenomenon of violence in the educational environment of Ukraine, to outline the ways of improving the theoretical and regulatory framework on this issue. In order to achieve this goal, an empirical study was conducted, in which 180 children under the age of 17, who are first-year students at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology of Lviv Polytechnic National University, took part. When studying theoretical and methodological aspects of the research problem, the following theoretical methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization of the data of psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature. It is established that it should be remembered that timely and qualitative response of the authorized bodies and their application of all possible measures in case of violence against children is a guarantee of the formation of a healthy, in every sense of the word, society.
Authors and Affiliations
Nataliia Lesko
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