
In India the economic importance of food and food processing sector is dominating. But the environmental issues like wastes or by-products of food industry sector is an alarming problem today. In food processing and packaging industry about one third of the food is spoilt before it reaches the consumers. This shows a huge economic loss in food sector. There are certain methods of dumping into the ground, incineration of agricultural waste and using the ash in agricultural lands. But this methods causes environmental degradation and polluting the environment. Dumping the agro-waste under normal ground causes decomposition and foul smell. Again the incineration if carried out without proper technique causes pollution. Hence, degrading the environment. So, one of the major scientific technique is carrying out different type of fermentation processes such as solid state fermentation and submerged state fermentation which could be helpful to convert this wastage into some useful high value products with the help of living cells or microorganisms in a controlled optimal atmosphere inside a specially designed suitable bioreactor or fermenter and following a suitable recovery process the final product is recovered and purified.

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How To Cite

SONALI BISWAL, MANASI RAY (2017). FERMENTATION OF AGRO–BASED WASTE AND RESIDUES FROM DIFFERENT SECTORS: A REVIEW. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR), 7(2), 425-432. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-222777