Field efficacy of some biorationals against the two spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)
Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 1
Field trials were conducted to evaluate the acaricidal potential of entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana and aqueous extracts of Withania somnifera and Glyccirrhyza glabra against the mobile stages of Tetranychus urticae Koch on cucumber. The treatments responded in a concentration dependent manner. Highest reduction in T. urticae population was achieved with Omite (0.05%) followed by Nimbecidine (5ml/l), B. bassiana (1010 spores ml-1), W. somnifera (7.5%), B. bassiana (108 spores ml-1), G. Glabra (7.5%), G. Glabra (5%), G. Glabra (2.5%), W. somnifera (5%) and W. somnifera (2.5%). Higher yield was recorded in all the treatments as compared to control. In terms of percent increase in yield, Omite caused highest increase (23.65% over control) followed by Nimbecidine, B. bassiana (1010 spores/ ml), W. somnifera (7.5%), B. bassiana (108 spores/ ml), G. Glabra (7.5%), W. somnifera (5%), G. Glabra (5%), G. Glabra (2.5%), and W. somnifera (2.5%) showing 13.97, 11.82, 10.75, 8.67, 8.67, 8.6, 6.76, 6.48 and 6.45 percent increase over control, respectively. These data suggest that the tested biorationals at higher concentrations have the potential to be employed in pest management programs designed for T. urticae control.
Authors and Affiliations
Kanika Tehri, Rachna Gulati
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