Field Study in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture, After Torrential Rains Triggered Massive Flooding and Landslides in Western Japan In 2018
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 9
Heavy rain in July 2018 resulted in the highest rain accumulation in western Japan in meteorological observation history, and these torrential storms triggered massive flooding and landslides in western Japan, with Hiroshima Prefecture hit the worst. A member of the Shizuoka Medical Research Center for Disaster visited Kure City, which reported the most fatalities in Hiroshima Prefecture, to perform a field study to identify medical issues and aid in relief efforts.This member collected information on medical organizations and problems associated with the Emergency Medical Information System established by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and interviewed staff at Kure Hospital as well as members of the Japan Self Defense Force and Kure City Hall employees.Thelocal headquarters of the disaster medical assistance team (DMAT) in Kure City was established at Chugoku Rosai Hospital. As there were no outstanding medical demands at the disaster base hospitals of Kure City or in the medical facilities or refugee sites, aside from requests for psychological first aid, the local headquarters of the DMAT in Kure City was dissolved on July 9, 2018. The main issue reported by medical facilities was the water supply in Kure City being cut off, which forced most medical facilities to reduce their medical services. However, the Self Defense Forces Kure Hospital, which had its own water source, was not damaged by these heavy rains. As a result, the Self Defense Forces Kure Hospitalprovided standard medical services after the disaster. The Hiroshima prefectural government carefully managed the water resources in Kure City, allowing the medical facilities to use the minimum level of water supply from industries.The present survey showed that damage to the water supply by landslides can have a profound influence on the function of hospitals, even if the hospitals themselves are undamaged. The disruption and reduction of hospital functions in the event of a disaster may be minimized by ensuring the proper maintenance of water supply facilities and/or enacting agreements regarding water supply and formulating strategic water allocation plans in preparation for a long-term interruption of water services.
Authors and Affiliations
Youichi Yanagawa, Hiroki Nagawasa, Ikuto Takeuchi, Kei Jitsuiki, Shunsuke Madokoro, Hiromichi Ohsaka, Kouhei Ishikawa, Kazuhio Omori, Renpei Yanagawa, Toshiya Ogawa
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