Field trip in the Kashmir Himalaya

Journal Title: Landform Analysis - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 35


This report contains short information about the geomorphological field trip in the Kashmir Himalaya. The guided trip program includes the following issues: the tectonic characteristics of the relief of the valleys, the sedimentation effects of the high-energy rivers, the mass movements, and the extent of the fluvioglacial and glacial forms, the wide river channel of a high-energy river covered in rock blocks, the genesis of the Kashmir Basin, the recession moraines, the wide braided channels of rivers, and the structure of the flood plain.

Authors and Affiliations

Adam Łajczak, Łukasz Pawlik


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  • EP ID EP302979
  • DOI 10.12657/landfana.035.003
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How To Cite

Adam Łajczak, Łukasz Pawlik (2017). Field trip in the Kashmir Himalaya. Landform Analysis, 0(35), 13-16.